Why Reading Does a Mommy Good


I love to read and I love words. Not just ordinary words, but powerful ones.  Words that when put together are pure eloquence and art. And I love when an author can take me away from my laundry-filled house on a rainy night and transform me into another dimension. Yes, Jersey Shore can take you to another place too, but reading a good book can take you somewhere deeper.

Before having kids, I always had a good book at my side. I was even in a book club after college and loved dishing on the latest novel with girlfriends over a couple glasses of wine. But with the ever-constant juggling of responsibilities, reading was the last thing on my "to-do" list.  I'm not even sure if in those newborn months when my toddlers were babies if my eyes would have even been able to stay open long enough to get very far. Sound familiar?

Recently, I came to the realization that I need to take better care of myself and not just by nourishing my body with healthier foods, but with nourishing my soul.  I found a great recommendation from a friend, made myself a cup of tea, settled into a hot bath – and ended up sitting in there until my fingers were pruned and the water turned lukewarm.  My love of reading was back, and with a vengeance.

My love of reading was back, and with a vengeance.

The first book I read after my long hiatus from reading was finished in record time while I stayed up hours past bedtime and found stolen moments in between errands and appointments to read a few pages.  After it was done, my husband appeared somewhat surprised to see my face again and happy to see dinner not half burnt on the stove. I realized I needed moderation.

These days, I may not finish a book in a week but I do get it back before I accrue some hefty library fines. I find I watch less television and have more to talk about. I also have a little "escape" to go to after the kids are in bed and a little less stress weighing on my shoulders.  I've even added a couple other things on my "Mommy To-Do Once Again" list.

I encourage you to find your "long lost love" whether it be reading, yoga, painting, running, or hiking. Remember something that you loved to do — but don't anymore. And then do it! Trust me, there is time in your schedule if you make it a priority. As a mom, you are the heart of your family. While responsibilities in and outside of the home are sometimes two or three full-time jobs, if there is something that will make you a happier person, then it will only make you a better Mom.

What a novel idea.

Jeanine Ludwikowski is a fun-loving mom of two living in the Philly burbs. You can follow her on Twitter @MommyEntourage. This post is adopted from her blog Mommy Entourage.


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