Summer Schedule for Kids


Many years ago, I started the summer off with a simple summer schedule for kids. Although it was simple, it didn’t really stick. Now, 5 years later, I decided it was time to try another summer schedule. The boys are old enough to understand a schedule and, in fact, schedules are really helpful! They know what we are doing and at what time with no arguments.

So on our first day of summer vacation, we came up with our new summer schedule. I took their input and went with it. And came up with a schedule that we all are on board for.

Do I think this will last all summer? Of course not! The schedule is meant to be flexible. It is summer for crying out loud. I am not going to let the schedule dictate every day but it will help us on most days.

My mission this summer is to have the kids finally help me out with the housework…without whining. My deal to them? The more they help me out around the house, the more time we have to do fun things!

Want a copy of this schedule? Click here!

Make Something Mondays

1. Marshmallow ShootersThis craft comes from Come Together Kids. I know E would just love this and will have hours of fun shooting me with marshmallows.

2. Make Your Own CrayonsWe have been saving the broken bits of E’s crayons with the intentions of making crayons. The Party Dress has a great post on how to make your own crayons.

3. Egg Carton Sea CreaturesE is obsessed is with anything that is related to the ocean. I know he will love making these sea creatures out of egg cartons that I found on Parents magazine.

Get Outside Tuesday

Sure we could just go out and play in the sand and water table but here are some outside activities for kids.

1. Make a Bird Feeder – I have been meaning to make one of these with E for a while now. Why not now? This bird feeder from Disney Family Fun looks incredibly easy!

Backyard Toy Car Wash2. Backyard Toy Car Wash – This genius idea comes from No Time for Flashcards. Not only do the kids get to have fun with their toys and water. But their toys get a good cleaning that they probably desperately need.

3. Egg Carton Scavenger HuntWe have a great nature trail by our house that, sadly, we barely utilize. This idea from Nature Preschool would be a great way to get out and explore!

What's Cooking Wednesday

1. Dixie Cup Popsicles – Popsicles are a summer time staple. Why not make your own? Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Mom shared how to make easy Dixie Cup popsicles so that you freezer is always stocked this summer!

Kid Size Pizza2. Kid Size Pizza E loves pizza (and so does Benny). These kid size pizza from Taste of Home will be a big hit. I also see us making these a lot for lunch over the summer.

3. S’MoresYou know we love our S’mores!

Time to Read Thursday

Thursday is story time at our local library. We used to visit the library weekly but then life got hectic. This will help us get back into the routine of visiting. Bonus? The library is about 3 blocks from the house so we can walk there!

Go Somewhere Fun Friday

On not-so-hot days, we will visit the zoo and some local arboretums and farms. When we need to beat the heat, we will go to the aquarium, the Natural History Museum, kid’s museum, and science center.

What’s on your schedule this summer?

Stephanie Glover is a Collegeville, PA mom of two. This post was adopted from her blog, A Grande Life.


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