Flooding closes Knoebels and Hersheypark again Wednesday


UPDATE: Knoebels and Hersheypark reopened Friday after flooding in Central Pennsylvania had forced them to close for three days this week.

Knoebels posted Thursday on Facebook: "UNBELIEVABLE! Knoebels will open at least 90% of the park on time TOMORROW! Our team rocks!"

Around the same time, Hersheypark announced it would reopen as well: "More than 60 rides and attractions will be open for guests to enjoy. Thanks for the sweet support this week!"

Flooding had forced both parks to close Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Knoebels said on its Facebook page Wednesday morning: "This one’s going to take some clean-up. We’re closed today, folks." It also posted a video (see below) showing the flooded areas of the park.

Both parks also closed on Monday after heavy rain but reopened Tuesday. Some rides at Knoebels weren't available Tuesday, however, and it closed at 7pm when the rains returned. Hersheypark said in a Facebook post that it was watching the storm that triggered a disaster declaration in the area and would post updates about reopening as soon as they became available.

If you are planning to visit either park this week, keep tabs on their websites to see when they will reopen.

In the meanwhile, here is a great article from one of our MomSpeak bloggers with tips about visiting Knoebels, including its sensory-friendly features for children with special needs. 

And here is our guide to amusement parks in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, which includes advice on what's available to keep little kids and older kids interested along with Insider Tips.


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