DIY Holiday: Chalkboard Wrap


Hopefully by now you've got most of your holiday gifts bought and stashed. (No worries if you haven't, right?) If your wrap session moment has come, MomSpeaker Hillary Chybinski's got a great idea for an unusual DIY presentation: chalkboard wrapping paper!

It's that time of year when we spend almost as much time wrapping gifts as we do buying them. But I have to confess, I love selecting a wrapping "theme" and making pretty packages to give to people. When I first started doing this, back in the early '90s, I had rolls of foil paper with penguins and flamingos on them.

What You Need to Make Chalkboard Wrap

  • Black Kraft paper
  • Chalk or chalk markers
  • I also bought a roll of red baker's twine because you can NEVER have enough of that!

I plan to add some grosgrain ribbon, maybe a sprig of rosemary and/or boxwood to make things even more festive. 

Draw pictures, write messages, whatever your imagination can come up with — the possibilities are ENDLESS! 

Be warned, the paper is thicker than regular wrapping paper, so use care when wrapping. Also, the roll is larger than I thought, so I have plenty of black Kraft paper for future projects. 

Hillary Chybinski is a crafty mom of two boys living the American Dream with her husband in the Philly burbs. This post was adapted from her blog, My Scraps.


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