Diffusing Essential Oils for Kids


Editor's Note: Are there any children (or adults) in your house that get moody, have trouble falling asleep or waking up, or need some stress relief? Trina O'Boyle explains how essential oils can help create a positive atmosphere in your home, energizing the sleepy and calming the stressed while making your home smell wonderful. If you're new to essential oils and it seems overwhelming to get started, check out the simple recipes below for blends that you can start using right away.

We are huge fans of diffusing essential oils. It’s one of the easiest ways to use them and experience the amazing power of the essential oils with minimal effort. We have three diffusers in our house — one for our downstairs living area and two for our bedrooms. My favorite times to diffuse are during homework time and at night as we go to bed. I bet you understand why!

Diffusing is a great way to help keep the whole family — especially the kids — happy and healthy. As it's diffused, the essential oil reaches the air and reduces the number of microbes that we are exposed to. Diffusing not only reduces the germs in the air but also creates a noticeable, uplifting atmosphere in the home. We all have instant reactions to smells around us, so filling the home with pleasing essential oils is one of the easiest and most effective ways to create a healthy and happy atmosphere. Here are a few favorite blends that I use in the diffuser that my kids love, and now even ask for daily.

Be Happy Blend

Woke up grumpy or had a bad day at school? Diffuse this mixture, and everyone’s mood will change.

  • 4 drops Orange
  • 2 drops Grapefruit
  • 2 drops Bergamot


Sleepy Time Blend

We start the diffuser upstairs at least 30 minutes before bed. The smell of these oils help us calm down and get ready for sleep, especially during the week when we need to be well rested for school.

  • 3 drops Lavender
  • 3 drops Roman Chamomile

If your kids aren’t fans of Lavender then try this one:

  • 4 drops Peace & Calming
  • 2 drops Orange


Homework Help Blend

This is a great blend to use during homework time or when reading. I have the one in the living area going with this blend and also one upstairs since the boys do homework in different places.

  • 2 drops Peppermint
  • 2 drops orange
  • 1 drop Lime
  • 1 drop Frankincense


Rise & Shine Blend

My boys have no problem getting up early during the weekend, but during the week, not so much. I’m sure many of you can relate. First, I start waking them up at least 10 minutes before they need to be up and start the diffuser with this blend to help them wake and get ready for the day.

  • 2 drop Spearmint
  • 2 drops Lemon
  • 2 drops Orange


If you are just starting out with essential oils and don’t have a diffuser on hand, you can simply out a few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball and have them inhale the essential oils or use a reed diffuser. But by all means get that diffuser! It’s more cost effective and the oils will go further. When purchasing look for a Ultrasonic Cool – Air Diffuser. It’s not the same as a cool-air humidifier and should not be used in the same way. I recently purchased a glass diffuser that fits in beautifully in my living area and I have a portable diffuser in my boys room that also works as a night light and is easy to carry with you when traveling. Young Living also has fun diffusers that are perfect for the kids' room.

Do you have any diffusing blends that you love? I am always looking to try ways to use my diffuser, so share away! Get more tips, tricks and recipes through my Essential Oil Pinterest page and see how you can get oils 24% off retail price.

Happy diffusing!

Trina O'Boyle is a Drexel Hill, PA mom of two boys. This post is adapted from her blog, O'Boy Organic.


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