Healthy Living


New Peanut Allergy Pill for Kids Approved

The FDA last week approved Palforzia, which was shown to lessen kids' allergic reaction to peanuts during clinical trials, including at CHOP.

Is it OK for Teens to Drink Coffee?

"One daily cup of coffee won’t harm kids over the age of 12 – as long as they avoid all other sources of caffeine" which include soda, iced tea chocolate, energy drinks and some over-the-counter drugs, like Excedrin.

How Do I Know if I Might Have Coronavirus? 5 Questions Answered

The symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath, but the risk of contracting here is low at the moment, a Penn State professor says.

Snacks after youth sports add more calories than kids burn while playing, study says

Sports drinks, brownies, cookies and cakes are fun snacks, but kids end up taking in more calories than they burned off and consuming more sugar than they should get for the whole day.

Screen time: Conclusions about the effects of digital media are often incomplete, irrelevant or...

Has the power of media over modern life been overstated? Probably not, but no one knows, because there is a severe lack of knowledge about what people are actually seeing and doing on their screens.

Black kids and suicide: Why are rates so high, and so ignored?

Black children age 5–11 had the highest rate of death by suicide in 2016 and 2018.
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Trump's School-Lunch Rules: Fewer Fruits, Veggies, More Burgers, Fries

The proposal, which would reverse rules advocated by Michelle Obama, would reduce food waste and allow for more "appetizing" meals, the USDA says.

Why Teen Depression Rates Are Rising Faster for Girls Than Boys

Both have experienced more depression, self-harm and suicide at the same time their use of smartphones and social media has increased. But it's worse in girls. Why?

Second Grader From Marple Newtown Dies From Flu

He is the first child in Pennsylvania to die from flu this season. Type B flu is more common among children.

Is Vegan Healthy for Kids?

Kids can be healthy on a plant-based diet if you plan meals carefully and make sure they are getting all the nutrients they need to help them grow.