Health & Nutrition

Tanning Beds: Just Say No

Increased use of tanning beds by teenagers has contributed to a sharp rise in melanoma rates in young people, often unaware of the long-term consequences of increased skin cancer risk and premature aging.

Let’s Tackle Sports Injuries

Parents have an important role in making sure both students and their schools and sports clubs are following up-to-date safety and injury management practices.

The #1 Kids' Disease: Tooth Decay

Tooth decay affects four times more children than obesity. It can start with baby's bottle.

Are Your Kids Begging for Braces?

Thanks to a variety of high-tech and trendy options now available, parents may be surprised to find their kids begging for braces.

Should you insist on a flu shot without mercury?

Pediatrician Robert W. Sears, MD, discusses the pros and cons of giving flu shots preserved with mercury compounds to young children.