20+ ideas for a candy-free Easter or Halloween


If you’ve been a reader of my blog, Jersey Family Fun, you know about my love-hate relationship with candy. As every candy-filled holiday approaches we try to give you alternatives to candy or at least ideas of how to use that leftover candy quickly.

It’s not that we want to be a Scrooge on Easter or Halloween. We know Easter or Passover means more than candy eating. So why not give kids items that are not so sugary and probably more fun? For Halloween, our friends over at Fun Finds for Families  came up with a list of 5 Candy Alternatives for Trick or Treaters. Inspired by them, we wanted to share our own list for candy-free treats created by our Jersey Family Fun team of moms perfect for kids who need to limit their candy intake because of health or allergy issues or families who want to give kids an alternative to candy.

Candy-free holiday treats


  1. Go Go Squeez pouches of applesauce
  2. Juice boxes
  3. Stickers
  4. Temporary tattoos
  5. Pistachio pouches
  6. Clementines
  7. Organic lolly pops
  8. Silly bandz
  9. Chuck E. Cheese tokens
  10. Mini-water bottles
  11. Scrunchies & hair clips for girls
  12. Fun pencils
  13. Silly or cute erasers
  14. Party favors
  15. Fruit gummy pouches
  16. Go-gurt
  17. Portable cheese sticks
  18. Colorful, small rulers
  19. McDonald’s, Friendly’s, Burger King, or Wendy’s coupons
  20. Snack packs of goldfish, pretzels, teddy grahams, crackers
Jennifer Auer is a South Jersey mom. Check out her blog, Jersey Family Fun.



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