Weatherproof Wear


When the weather outside is frightful, you can stay warm and dry with these Mom-approved accessories.

Philadelphia moms Melissa April and Caryn Abramowitz were tired of trying to juggle umbrellas while pushing strollers around the city, so they invented My Blue Bumbershoot. The umbrella clamps directly on a stroller handle, so you can keep both hands on the stroller and shield yourself from showers. $49.99. Waiting-list orders accepted at


JazzyToesBabies and toddlers can keep their little piggies warm on chilly days with JazzyToes, footwear created by mom Winnie Liu that’s “not quite a shoe and more than a sock.” The heavy-duty, comfy slip-ons look like grown-up styles: Mary Janes, cowboy boots, even high-top sneakers. Their leather-like non-skid soles are machine washable and designed to withstand hours of active playtime. $18.


Hula Mula Flower HatAt $28, the cozy knit Hula Mula Flower Hat for girls is a budget-friendly winter-wear item available at Tough Cookies, a Los Angeles-area children’s boutique that has an online store where non-locals can shop. The edgy kids’ boutique, founded by mom Shannon Komsky, who wanted rock ‘n’ roll fashions for her own kids, has become a hot spot for celeb moms like Gwen Stefani and Ashlee Simpson.

Stephanie Halinski is calendar editor and toy/product coordinator of MetroKids.


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