Watch Live Cams at Local Zoos And Across the Country


Watch these giraffes via webcam at the Elmwood Park Zoo

If ever there was a time we needed a hefty dose of cuteness in our lives, this is it. Although zoos are temporarily closed, they continue to provide us with those warm, fuzzy feelings by setting up live cams that allow us to meet animals, explore behind the scenes and more. 

Adventure Aquarium

New activity sheets are posted daily and themed to some of the most fascinating creatues that call the aquarium home.

Philadelphia Zoo

The Facebook Live series Philly Zoo at 2 (Monday through Friday at 2pm) enterains audiences with expert talks, zoo exploration and, of course, opportunities to meet and "interact with" its residents. 

Elmwood Park Zoo

The wildest spot in Norristown, PA, may have a few breakout stars on its hands. Watch them strut their stuff — or just doze off — via website live cams. You'll see the giraffes, including Gerald, Dhoruba and Mokolo; zebras Hannah and Zack; and Olivia, a bald eagle. Each stream runs daily, but times differ: The giraffe and zebra cam streams from 10am-5pm, and the eagle cam streams from 6am-6pm.

El Paso Zoo

While travel is discouraged, it's easy to virtually visit zoos across the country. Down in Texas, a slew of animal cams give kids plenty of chances to learn about a variety of creatures. Featured fun includes giraffe feadings, an oranguntan and siamang playground, and an indoor-outdoor sea lion exhibit.

Houston Zoo

What do chimps, giraffes, gorillas, elephants, leafcutter ants and rhinos have in common? Not a lot. But you can watch all of them do their best to "act natural" in front of live cams daily from 7am-7pm.

Kansas City Zoo

This Missouri zoo is home to macaroni penguins called Gouda, Parmasean (affectionately referred to as Lil' Parm), Colby Jack, Feta, Fontina and other delightfully cheesy monikers. Last but not least, virtual visitors can also say "hi" to a polar bar and giraffe.

Maryland Zoo

Animals love mealtime, too. See the Baltimore zoo's penguins grab some grub during livestreamed feedings at 10:30am & 3;30pm, and giraffes from 11am-2pm. In addition, don't miss cams tuned to the goat corral, flamingo area, and lions Hassan and Huri lounging in the Lion Overlook exhibit.

Memphis Zoo

If there was a ranking of cutest critters, it'd be a contentious contest, to be sure. But we're confident that giant pandas, hippos and elephants would sit comfortably among the top of most lists. Luckily, they're also viewable via livestreams at this Tennessee zoo.

Monterey Bay Aquarium

There's no shortage of swimmy, slithery and feathery creatures ready to educate and entertain at this California venue. Live cams give viewers a glimpse at the action, including birds, tropical fish, turtles, sharks, sardines, sea otters and penguins. 

San Diego Zoo

Koalas and tigers and baboons, oh my! And apes, baboons and giraffes. Condors, elephants, polar bears and burrowing owls, too. Watch 'em all on live cam, be sure to pay extra attention to the ape exhibit — there's a new baby on board.

Smithsonian's National Zoo

We never thought we'd be toggling between two livestreams of an underground naked mole rat colony complete with 16 chambers and 25 feet of winding tunnels, but here we are. And it's fascinating. Other highlights at the Washington D.C. zoo include: The famously adorable giant panda cam starring Tian Tian and Mei Xang, a lion cam and a lively crew of elephants.

Reid Park Zoo

Grizzly bears aren't an animal you'd want to encounter IRL. But via livestream? That's pretty cool. Do just that with webcams provided by this zoo in Tuscon, Arizona. There's also lemurs, giraffes, elephants and lions. 

Woodland Park Zoo

The fun doesn't stop when the sun goes down at this Seattle, Washington animal haven. The bat cam gives viewers a night-vision peek into the life and times of a fruit-bat colony that consists of six males. Rather watch during the day? Catch lions Liam, Eko and Olma; brother bears Keema and Denali; and grizzly bears that love to hunt for food in a nearby stream and pool.


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