Treat Yourself: Easy DIY Pedicure


If you haven't already broken out the flip-flops and strappy sandals yet, you will be soon. That means it's high pedicure season. With spa time sadly lacking during the busy end-of-school rush, MomSpeaker Hillary Chybinski walks us through a DIY pedicure regimen that's easy to slip in to a short window of free time.

Now that the warm weather is finally here, I start to fret about my feet and toes. Spring and summer weather means shedding your boots and baring your feet in flip-flops and sandals. Are your feet ready for that? If not, I have some great ideas for a little DIY pedicure you can do right from home.

I love a great spa pedicure, and the place near me uses hot stones to massage your feet and calves — and it's just heavenly. But heavenly doesn't always mean practical, and sometimes you need spa-like results from home.

With a few simple materials, you can give yourself a great DIY pedicure while you catch up on your latest NetFlix obsession or your favorite book.

What You Need for a DIY Pedicure

  • A bowl or Basin to soak your feet in
  • A towel
  • Warm water
  • An exfoliant
  • A cuticle lotion
  • Polish (optional)

How to Give Yourself a DIY Pedicure

  1. Fill your bowl or basin with warm water.
  2. Soak your feet for 10 minutes.
  3. Scrub all the rough skin from your feet with a fragrant sugar scrub (keep reading!).
  4. Rinse your feet and dry them with a towel.
  5. Apply a cuticle lotion to the cuticles on your toes.
  6. Apply your favorite polish and enjoy!

If you really want to do your DIY pedicure up right, why not make your own sugar scrub and cuticle lotion. It's pretty easy and uses just a few ingredients you probably have at home right now, including:

  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • ¼ quarter cup of oil (such as grapeseed)
  • 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil.

Mix all the ingredients together in a glass jar, and you have a wonderful sugar scrub.

You can also make a great cuticle lotion at home. Use about half a cup of carrier oil (such as grapeseed or Young Living's V-6 oil complex) and 10 drops of Melaleuca Essential Oil (Tee Tree Oil). Mix them together in a glass bowl or small jar. 

Putting your DIY Sugar Scrub and Cuticle Lotion together with a nail file and pretty polish, makes a great gift, too!

Hillary Chybinski is a crafty mom of two boys living the American Dream with her husband in the Philly burbs. This post was adapted from her blog, My Scraps.


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