Tales of Getting Older


All at once I am realizing that I am getting old.


This week I actually found myself saying, “When I was your age,” and I could not believe that those archaic words had just flown out of my very own mouth.

The other day I caught sight of my wedding photo and saw two young kids glaring back at me.

Then just for sheer torture I went and looked at myself in the mirror, wondering where that 20-something young woman went.  She has been replaced by another woman; a mom who has a lot of love around her but who is tired and definitely beginning to show it.

Now, I am not forgetting that there are a few great aspects to getting older.  We find ourselves.  We care less about what others think of us.  We appreciate life, health, family, friends and on occasion a good glass of wine.

Yet sometimes the reality that life moves so quickly just stings.  Recently my friend Tara posted on her fabulous site, Feels Like Home Blog, about her daughter’s assumption that Tara was a child before they had cars. Ouch.  While reading her post I recalled the time my son asked me if I was the first person ever born.  Double Ouch.

I recalled the time my son asked me if I was the first person ever born.  Double Ouch.

This morning it happened again.  My husband was watching a show on the History Channel when they showed a car with an eight track player.

“Mom, what’s an eight track player?”

“It’s how people listened to music in the car before tapes.”

“What’s a tape?”

“It’s how we listened to music in the car before CD’s.”

“A CD is a DVD that only plays music, right?”

“Yes. That’s how we listened to music in the car before iPods.”

I really am getting old.  How did that happen so fast?  Please tell me I am not the only one feeling old these days. 

Jessica Cohen is a Richboro, PA mom. Read her blog, Look Who Found the Marbles, at  FoundtheMarbles.com.


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