Speak English!


The demise of the English language is no laughing matter, in fact it's becoming a "maj epi" ( major epidemic). This deliberate destruction of words is an all-out crime.

If you don't share your home with tweens or teens, you may not even be aware of what is happening.

Exhibit A: The word "ratchet." Do you realize that kids these days have taken what was once an innocent-enough tool and turned it into an adjective? And not in a good way. Scroll through any preteen's Instagram account and you're sure to find at least one self-described "ratchet"-looking selfie.

"Tots adorbs," "cra" and "maj" are a few more examples of words of newly invented phrases that leave in their wake a string of massacred words. ("Totally adorable," "crazy" and "major.")

As is the way with teenagers, my cries have gone unheard. I've pleaded with them and their friends to no avail. So instead, I have found another solution.

I joined them.

Offering my own 40-something interpretation to this English language massacre makes them cringe. As they and their friends pile into my minivan I blurt out things like, '"How was the movie?" "Was it cra?" "Did you girls eat mad popcorn, doe?" "Holla, selfies for days."

Their response?


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em (or at least embarrass them).

Shivaun Williams is a Bucks County, PA writer and mom of three. This post is adapted from her blog, Dar Liomsa (In My Opinion).


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