Philly Halloween Forecast: Rain, Clouds Mean Tricky Night for Drivers, Kids


Forecast update: It looks like there may be a trick-or-treat window, if you get out early enough.Halloween night forecast for Philadelphia

Thursday's rainy weather forecast does more than dampen the mood for Halloween; it complicates what's already the riskiest night of the year for kids out on the streets. Even if we dodge showers, cloud cover will mean the moon won't be much help lighting Halloweeners' or drivers' way either.

Regardless of the weather, twice as many kids are killed after being hit by a car on Halloween than on any other day of the year and the CDC estimates a child is four times more likely to get struck on Oct. 31 than the other 364 days of the year.

Like us, you've probably heard all the safety tips for how to prevent a night of fun from turning into a tragedy — reflective costumes, flashlights, glow sticks, masks with clear eye holes, parental escorts, crossing only at intersections — all of which is good advice. But with a dreary night expected this year, we scoured the web to find a few bits of wisdom that might be new to you and worth keeping in mind as you and your kids hit the streets (or, for the kids, ideally just the sidewalks).

Tips for Drivers on Halloween Night

  1. Like deer, when you see one kid cross the street, more are likely to follow.
  2. Clean your windshield.
  3. Make sure your headlights are on before dark.
  4. Careful backing out of your driveway.
  5. Drive five miles below the speed limit.
  6. Don't park where you'll have to back up. Or have someone outside give the all clear.
  7. Watch for kids crossing in the middle of the block and between parked cars.
  8. Put your phone in the glovebox.

    Halloween and Pedestrian Fatalities


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