Philadelphia Zoo Brings Animals to the Airport


Waiting at the airport for your plane might make you a grumpy bear, but Philadelphia International Airport and the Philadelphia Zoo are teaming up to get your kids to smile.

An array of exotic birds, mammals and reptiles will be in select terminals one day each month to give passengers a chance to meet zoo animals and learn a bit about them.

“Seeing these wonderful creatures up close, learning all about their species and what makes each of them unique, and interacting with the zoo staff has both surprised and delighted passengers,” said airport CEO Chellie Cameron about the program, which began a trial run in the summer. “When we formed this partnership with the zoo we believed it was a perfect fit for our ongoing efforts to create a positive guest experience at PHL, as well as a sense of place, and we are very pleased that this program has been well received.”

Porcupine from Philadelphia Zoo at Philadelphia International AirportSo far the animal guests have included an armadillo, red-tailed hawk, blue-and-gold macaws, and red-footed tortoises. Visitors get trading cards for the animals with information about their name, species, habitat and conservation status. 

“Philadelphia Zoo is thrilled to partner with Philadelphia International Airport,” said Vikram H. Dewan, Philadelphia Zoo president and CEO. “The zoo’s mission is to connect people with animals from around the globe, so what better place than PHL." 

The next animal visits are scheudled for Tuesday, November 26 and Dec. 17 from 1 to 3 PM. Only ticketed passengers will have access to the area. 

Hayley Banks is a MetroKids intern and student at Drexel University.


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