Moms Club: An Important Part of My Life


Since I work from home, I get the chance to set my own hours. If need be, I will work early morning or in the evening to meet deadlines (when the kids are asleep). Two years ago I joined the Moms Club of Philadelphia at the recommendation of a friend. I was looking to meet up with other mothers for lunch or breaks and talk about our favorite topic–what is happening with our kids.

The Moms Club has chapters across the country. They are a support group for stay-at-home and working mothers. Each local chapter offers its own variety of activities for Moms and their children. Our chapter consists of down-to-earth moms who get together regularly for activities such as coffee breaks, walks in the park, play dates at a member’s house, trips to the zoo, etc. We also have a Moms Night Out each month and Quarterly Socials to give us a chance to have adult conversation without having to chase a toddler around or soothe a crying baby.

The Club has been an important part of my life as a working mother. After I gave birth to my second daughter, the Club delivered about two weeks worth of meals so we did not have to cook during this stressful time. I have formed friendships with some members. We don’t have family in the immediate area, but I know if there was ever an emergency a Mom from the Club would be able to help us out.

I now serve as Membership VP for the Philadelphia chapter, and answer questions from potential members about joining. It’s a good chance for me to give back, as I’ve reaped benefits from being an active member of the Club.

I recommend mothers look into joining their local chapter. There should also be a Dads Club — all parents need support. I suggested my husband look into starting one but he has no interest. Perhaps this is a business idea for some Dad to explore.

Erin Flynn Jay is a Philadelphia writer, public relations executive and mom of two toddler girls. Check out her blog, Mastering the Mommy Track.


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