It's Like This


Watching your children grow is everything the world tells you it will be.

It's rewarding, exhausting, expensive and amazing. All at once. Every single day.

Watching your children try new things, venture on their own and succeed can make your heart want to leap from your chest.

Snapping pictures, shooting video and scrapbooking it all doesn't even begin to capture the feeling.

I'm not just talking about easily earned sports trophies, where everyone wins, or even academic accolades.

I'm talking about the moments when you encourage, nudge, suggest to your kids that maybe they should try something new. Maybe they should try out for that play, even if no one they know is. Maybe they should learn to play that instrument, join that club, learn that new sport.

And when they do. When they shine for everyone to see, your tears meet your smile and your heart beats happy.

Because you know that your little nudge will have lasting effects. They'll forever remember the confidence you had in them.

They'll carry it with them forever.

Shivaun Williams is a Bucks County, PA writer and mom of three. This post is adapted from her blog, Dar Liomsa (In My Opinion).


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