Get Kids on a Summer Schedule


The start of summer means more free time for the kiddos and longer daylight from the sun. No wonder circadian rhythms are askew. MomSpeaker Erin Flynn Jay has the following tips to keep kids on schedule for camp or day care, no matter the season.

Recently, I attended a blogger event in the city where I had the chance to catch up with some other moms. One successful businesswoman and mother of three confided that it was often a challenge to get her kids out the door in the morning on time and without issues.

This seems to be a common work/life issue for moms who drop their kids off to preschool or summer camp. Summertime can be especially challenging because kids are out of their routine of regular homework and earlier start times. Even if you are not having problems with getting the kids ready in the morning and out the door, it’s good to assess your situation.

Here are some ways you could save extra time:

  • Get the kids on the same bath schedule. I usually bathe my two at the same time. With the summer heat, one may want more baths than usual to cool down after a hot day. Try to get two in the tub at once.
  • Prepare lunch and snack schedules on Sunday. This is the perfect day to write out what you will need for the week. Many schools and camps offer pizza on certain days, but the other days you have to pack lunches. What will you need each week for lunches, drinks and snacks? Mini store runs can eat up your time — try to do a bulk store run once a week.
  • Put them to bed at a reasonable time. During the summer, many kids want to stay up later and play outside if the weather is nice or watch TV. If the kids end up going to sleep too late, they will be overtired in the morning and you may have a tough time waking them up.
  • Know their schedule and what they need each day. Summertime means water play. How many of you have realized at 7pm that your kids need clean swimsuits and towels in the morning, so you had to do laundry immediately? Think ahead.

Everyone falls into their own routine as a parent. The above suggestions may help alleviate some bickering between siblings and your own stress over running late in the AM. Happy summer and stay cool!

Erin Flynn Jay is a Philadelphia writer, public relations executive and mom of two young girls. Check out her blog, Mastering the Mommy Track.


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