Special Needs Parenting

New Accessible Playground Opens in Delran, NJ

A second Jake's Place opened this week in Delran Community Park, designed to be accessible to children with special needs.

Helping a Child With Speech Delays Make Friends

Children with speech delays might find it hard to make friends. Here’s how parents can help.

Accessible Beaches in New Jersey and Delaware (and Those with Beach Wheelchairs)

This is a useful list of Jersey and Delaware beaches that have beach wheelchairs and ramps over the softer sand.

Free Portraits for Families With Special Needs

A Delaware photographer provides free portraits for families who have children with disabilities through her Portraits with a Purpose program.

Weighted Blankets for Kids: Do They Help Them Sleep?

Parents of children with autism, ADHD and other special needs have turned to gravity blankets as a sleep aid. A pediatrician urges caution.

It Takes More Than a Special Needs Trust to Plan Their Financial Future

A special needs trust is a good start, but how do you fund it?

NJ Autism Rate Up 43 Percent, CDC says

The increase is "startling," according a Rutgers professor.

EBS Children’s Therapy Provides Advanced Therapies to Support Children with Autism

A multidisciplinary team works collaboratively to guide individualized treatment and programming to help your child succeed.

What to do when your child does not qualify for an IEP

“His grades are fine! He doesn’t need an IEP.” Here are the steps to take if you’ve asked for help from the school and have been told this.

Should You Get Dental Insurance for Your Family?

It is important to know all of your options before committing to a dental plan. Here are some ways to help you save money when it comes to keeping your teeth clean.