Early Education

What Makes the Montessori Schools' Method Different?

Montessori schools encourage mindfulness.

A Love of Learning

Developing engaged students starts at home. When parents take a one-good-day-at-a-time approach, raising a child who loves school can be easier than you might imagine.

Don’t lose those skills!

Learning moments abound during daily activities outside of school. Use these opportunities to hang on to reading, writing and math skills over the summer and get a jump on next term.

Beyond Learning Differences

If you suspect your child has a learning difference, the best place to start is by seeking the opinion of a medical or educational professional.

Therapy Connections Online

Online therapy services provides pediatric occupational, speech and behavioral services from the convenience of home.

How Do Kids Benefit from Language-Immersion Programs?

Bilingual education opens new avenues for students, including enhanced problem-solving and executive-functioning skills as well as new career paths.

Why Early Intervention Is Critical

It's never too soon to have a child tested if you suspect a learning different or other disability. Kids take bigger strides the sooner they start getting support.

Hands-on Learning in Montessori Schools

Instead of worksheets and pencils, Montessori classrooms offer children opportunities to learn through touching and doing.

A Look Inside Today's Catholic Schools

A Catholic school education might evoke images of rote lessons in reading, writing and arithmetic, with little room for personal exploration. But times have changed, and so have Catholic schools.

Choose a School: Public, Private, Charter

What type of school would be best for your child? Learn the pros and cons of charter, public and private schools.