Besides, we don't need nice things


We have a space issue in our house — meaning, we don't have much of it.  I've had to come up with some creative ways to keep things organized — well, as much as it can be with an 18 month old wreaking havoc and toys — all the toys — that seem to be mating and reproducing in the night.

Babyproofing can really destroy your furniture, and I didn't want to drill holes or stick stoppers onto the doors of my entertainment unit anyway, so I just emptied most of the cabinets at the bottom for Anna to keep her toys in. Or, you know, to climb into…

We got rid of our coffee table and replaced it with a long, padded faux leather footstool that opens up so it's great for toy storage! Or, you know, to climb onto…
I've decided that we won't be getting one of those cool train tables that everyone else seems to have. They just take up alot of space, which we simply don't have in our house.  I'm feeling a little guilty though because they are just so great for budding imaginations!  Or, you know, to climb onto…
Yea, it's the little changes and small decisions that have lead to a cleaner and more organized house. Maybe I'll get rid of that huge, heavy, fancy painting that's hanging in my living room — the one I inherited from my dad after he died. After all, I don't really need any nice things.  In fact, I'm thinking about just getting rid of the couch, too! We can just sit on the floor!  Because couches? They just take up alot of needed space…..and, you know….

Jeanne McCullough is a Montgomery County, PA mom. This post was adapted from her blog Mom Hearts Pinot.


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