7 Outdoor Activities for Babies That are Fun and Safe


Summertime is so much fun for babies, but it can also be challenging! Babies can’t be in direct sunlight and need lots of breaks for feedings, naps, and diaper changes. New moms may be tempted to stay inside all summer, but it doesn’t have to be that way. There are plenty of fun and safe outdoor activities for babies that babe and mommy can do together. Here are seven activities that you and your baby can enjoy this summer.

While finding activities for 1-year-olds can seem daunting, there are some really fun and safe options. These outdoor activities for babies are some that you can do in many seasons, and are so simple we almost forget about them. But the moments where you show your child a wind chime and listen to the sounds, are the moments of true learning and connection.

A walk in the park

Your baby may not be able to swing across the monkey bars or fly down a slide, but they will love watching the other kids run and play. Load your baby in the stroller and let him explore the world around him.


Babies are delighted to see colorful bubbles appear out of thin air and disappear just as quickly. Have an older sibling blow the bubbles for a little sibling bonding time. Let your little one pop the bubbles if they want to! Just make sure they don’t swallow any bubble solution.

Baby pool or splash pad

Splashing around in a baby pool can be so much fun. Just make sure that you never leave your baby alone near water! Fill a baby pool and add a few toys for a fun and cool way to enjoy an afternoon. If your baby can sit independently, then they would also enjoy a splash pad which is a small mat that gently sprays water up for the baby to splash in.

Explore grass and trees

Let your little one sit or stand on grass for a sensory experience. Let them feel rough tree bark and smooth leaves. Your baby will love this hands-on nature activity. Make sure to wash their little hands when you are done.

Picnic play

Grab a picnic blanket and lay it out under a tree. Add a few of your baby’s favorite toys and let them kick and play while looking up at the wind blowing through the leaves. Your baby will have so much fun, and it will give you a little time to relax as well. Just watch out for bugs!

Watch birds

Hang a birdfeeder or hummingbird feeder on your porch to attract birds. Your little one will love watching the birds swoop in for a snack and then happily fly away.

Listen to a wind chime

Babies love mobiles, so naturally, they love wind chimes as well! Pick up a few colorful wind chimes and hang them. Your baby will love the music that they make.

Don’t let the summer heat and baby schedules keep you inside. Summertime is a great time to be a baby and learn about the world around you.

Which of these fun and safe outdoor activities will you try first?

Katie Chiavarone holds a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology from NYU and is a mom to three young children. She co-authored the book The Undeniable Power of Play. This post is adapted from her blog, Views From a Step Stool.


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