5 Tips to Fight Indoor Allergies


As the weather turns cooler, families begin to spend more time indoors. The doctors of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology report that 62 percent of their patients suffer from indoor allergen symptoms. They recommend these five steps to reduce the effects of dust mites, mold, pet dander and other indoor allergy culprits.

1. Don’t let dust get too comfortable! Cleaning the home is incredibly important in managing exposure to indoor allergens. Steps such as the regular use of a cyclonic vacuum or vacuum with a HEPA filter, washing items in hot water and mite-proof pillow casings can help.

2. Couches, curtains and cushions, oh my! Allergens make themselves at home in fabrics throughout the house, such as upholstered couches and chairs, bedding and carpets. If you can’t tear up the carpet or remove the curtains, look for cleaning products that will denature or deactivate dust mite matter and cat and dog dander in fabrics.

3. Kick the habit! Do not smoke indoors at any time.

4. When in doubt, air it out! Clean and disinfect bathrooms, kitchens and basements regularly and keep them well ventilated to reduce the growth of mold. Always use exhaust fans and open windows when cooking or bathing.

5. Keep fido allergy-friendly! Bathe pets once a week to reduce dander, and whenever possible, keep your pet out of the bedroom.

For More Info

American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, HOME: Home Allergy Management For Everyone



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