Is Your Child Struggling? It May Not Be Their Fault


With the first semester of the school year winding down, students and parents are beginning to reevaluate whether their current school is meeting their needs. While brick-and-mortar schools work
 for many families, there are a number
 of reasons that the traditional learning environment becomes inadequate in its ability to meet a student’s needs. Agora Cyber Charter School, a tuition-free public school with year-round enrollment, offers an educational option for students who need to make the change to learn in a new environment — one that allows them to receive a more personalized education.

In many cases, a student is not to blame when they are struggling in school. From being bullied, to lack of consistent instruction, to the inevitable distractions, to learning in an overcrowded classroom — a student’s sub-par schooling environment often suppresses their desire to learn. If your child has endured any of these avoidable problems, now is the time to make the switch to a cyber school, which are being embraced across the state as necessary options.

Agora’s multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) identifies specific student needs and matches them with appropriate strategies. Each student is given individualized attention and a curriculum that works for their specific learning style, giving them the best possible chance for success. At this point in the school year, many students are realizing that their grades may impede their ability to accumulate the necessary credits to advance.

With twenty school counselors, math and reading specialists, and programs geared toward remediation through advanced learning, no matter the grade, Agora focuses on school success and life after high school.

After years of perfecting cyber education, Agora’s distraction-free, supportive environment meets students at their level and ensures that they are equipped to live up to their true potential — socially, academically and personally. For more information go to or call 844-462-4672. 


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