After the Holiday Rush


As much as I adore everything that the holiday season has to offer, I love almost nearly as much, it's ending.

In the exciting month of December, I'm really into 1960's claymation Christmas favorites providing background noise to tree trimming, gift wrapping and cookie baking.

I live for our yearly trek to Christmas Eve mass, fresh new Christmas jammies and ornaments right before bed on Christmas Eve and still playing Santa to a house full of teenagers.

But it all comes in a close second to packing it all away.

Because, let's face it, the month of January is the calm and peace my OCD heart desires.

It means my house has been put back together, presents have been delivered to kids' bedrooms, and I can once again breathe.

This time of year also leaves me standing behind a man in a warehouse store, buying up every last holiday chocolate gift tower. My mind racing, wondering, who will be receiving those half-priced chocolates, and better yet, when?

Just me?

Shivaun Williams is a Bucks County, PA writer and mom of three. This post is adapted from her blog, Dar Liomsa (In My Opinion).


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