5 Natural Immunity Boosters


There are many powerful tools that you can use to boost your child’s immune system naturally that will boost their defenses, speed up the healing process.

GOOD NUTRITION – We can’t have a healthy body if all we do is put junk in it. By switching to a balanced real food diet it will boost your immune system greatly. For a added boost serve foods that will help keep your child healthy longer. Some of our favorite foods with immune boosting powers are high in Vitamin C, Zinc and Vitamin E. I have some recipes that I cook on a regular basis because it gives us everything we need.

Roasted Carrot Ginger Soup

Chicken Noodle Soup

Crock Pot Oats

Protein Smoothies

Homemade Yogurt


PROPER SLEEP — Now that my boys are a bit older it gets harder and harder for them to get the sleep they need to stay healthy. Our body has many internal clocks. Your brain, lungs, liver and muscles all work together to keep your body running smoothly. When we lack sleep our body doesn’t work as well and it increases your chances of getting sick. To make things easier on you and the little ones start each night with the same routine and cut out TV and electronics at least 1 hour before bed. Listening to quiet music, having black out shades and you can help even further by giving your little ones a few drops of essential oils such as sleeplze or lavender to help calm them down before bed.

PROBIOTICS — We’ve been using probiotics for years and for good reason. They boost the good bacteria in the body and naturally help fight off infections. It’s easy to incorporate probiotics into your child’s diet naturally by adding a powder to smoothies or give them a probiotic chewable with breakfast.

TOXIC-FREE HOME — We may not be able to control the outside world but our home is a different story. Cutting out unnecessary toxins in your home can play a huge role in helping keep your child’s immune system strong and healthy. Start with making or purchasing toxic free household cleaners, laundry detergents and skincare products.  Once you cut out all the crap you will be amazed at how easy it is to keep your home and self clean with very few products.

WASH HANDS — This is something so easy to do but doesn’t always happen, especially with my boys. Washing your hands with good old-fashion soap and water helps prevent illnesses by reducing the amount of germs and bacteria your immune system has to fight. Make sure their nails are cut short so dirt and germs don’t get stuck and show them how to lather the backs of their hands and between the fingers for at least 20 seconds. Lastly, ditch the antibacterial soaps and sanitizers. They are loaded with toxins which increase the risk of creating resistant bacteria. You can make your own hand wash or purchase toxin-free soaps then add your own essential oils with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

How are you trying to keeping yourself and your children sick free?

Trina O'Boyle is a Drexel Hill, PA mom of two boys. This post is adapted from her blog, O'Boy Organic.


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