Blame a Catholic


The next time you are waiting in line, on a Friday night, to buy a pizza, blame a Catholic.

I swear they started this whole mess.

And by they I totally mean me.

Friday nights are pizza nights.

The best pizza shops in my town have lines out the door.

They have confusing lines, one line to place your order or check if it's ready and then another completely un-designated area to wait for your pizza to be ready (ie: milling about the pizza shop trying to stay out of the way).

This causes confusion for every person who walks into the pizza shop feeling like they are cutting in line, or wondering if there is a line.

Friday nights are pizza nights. The best pizza shops in my town have lines out the door.

As I stood in a busy pizza shop last Friday night, I pondered the whole Friday-night-pizza craze.

When we were kids, during the season of Lent, it was either fish or pizza for dinner, as per the abstain from meat rule. Many a Friday, pizza won.

I guess the tradition stuck, because pizza has become a Friday thing for my own family.

Oddly enough, the people eating in the pizza shop were not observing any abstinence from meat at all, as they enjoyed cheese steaks, chicken fingers and the like.

As I watched them eat, I grew even more hungry, standing in line, waiting for pizza, on a Friday night, looking for a Catholic to blame.

Shivaun Williams is a Bucks County, PA writer and mom of 3. This post was adapted from her blog, Dar Liomsa (In My Opinion). She also blogs at Levittown Comfort.


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